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Are You Odd Enough?


  St. Cloud Lodge No. 66
                      (Independent Order of Odd Fellows)

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What is so Odd about Helping your Fellow Man?

The St. Cloud Lodge No. 66 I.O.O.F

The St. Cloud Lodge No. 66 is located in St. Cloud, Florida 34769 at 1122 New York Avenue. We have been in existence here in St. Cloud since 1914. We occupy a building that's over 100 years old in the downtown business district of St. Cloud. We have our meeting on the first and third Thursday of each month, and the meetings start at 7:00 PM.

 Our principles of Friendship, Love, and Truth,

Friendship- is like a golden chain that ties our hearts together.

Love- is one of the most precious gifts. The more you give, the more you receive.

Truth-is the standard by which we value people. It is the foundation of our society.

We do what we can to give back to our community and fellow man, as our duties are to visit the sick, relieve the destressed, bury the dead, and educate the orphan and to work with other to build a better world.

  Independent Order of Odd Fellows

The Independent Order of Odd Fellows is one of the oldest and largest fraternities in the world.  We are non-political and non-sectarian.  Membership is open to all regardless of sex, race, religion, political affiliation and social status -all bound by the desire to improve ourselves and the calling to live and promote the principles of Friendship, Love, and Truth which transcends labels. We believe that by developing close friendships among each other and by working together in our communities, we can make a difference in the world and among ourselves!  Discussing political, sectarian or any other debate is forbidden in the Lodge, so it breaks down the social walls and labels used to view others and opens hearts and minds to start seeing people as Brothers and Sisters.


We are very Proud to have our member Sister Cheryl  as PRESIDENT of the Rebekah Assembly of Florida for the term of 2022/2023.

We are also Proud of our Member Brother William "Bill" Campbell, as he is Serving as the GRAND MASTER of the Grand Lodge of Florida for the term of 2024/2025.

           & Rebekah's

To Improve and Elevate the Character of Mankind...

In 18th Century England, it was odd to find people organized for the purpose of giving aid to those in need and pursuing projects for the benefit of all mankind. Those who belonged to such an organization were called "Odd Fellows." Odd Fellows are also known as "The Three link Fraternity" which stands for Friendship. Love, and Truth.

Today, the Odd Fellows is a worldwide fraternal Order having over 5,000 lodges in 26 countries. We are actively involved in a variety of civic and philanthropic efforts on a local, national and international level. Highlights of these include:

The Order at Work

  • The Odd Fellow's and Rebekah's spend over $7.5 million in relief projects annually.

  • The Educational Foundation provides substantial loans and grants to students.

  • SOS Children's Village provides a caring home for orphaned children in Cambodia.

  • Living Legacy focuses on planting trees and enhancing our environment.

  • Arthritis Research and Educational.

  • Visual Research Foundation supports vision care and research through the Wilmer Eye Institute.

  • Pilgrimage for Youth.

St. Cloud Lodge No. 66 and Deborah Rebekah Lodge No. 82 Joint Installation of Officers for 2023. Congratulations to all the newly Installed Officers, and may we all work to promote our Lodge and Order, benefitting those in need.



What Is So ODD About Helping Others?

Donating and giving back to our community

Blood Drive Sponsor

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Supporting Programs in Our Order

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A Fraternal Order of Brotherhood and Sisterhood

Have you been searching for ways to help others and be a part of something bigger than yourself?

Welcome to the Independent Order of Odd Fellows.


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